1. jaanuaril alustas Tartu Ülikoolis tööd bioinseneeria instituut, mille direktori kohusetäitja on professor Mart Loog. Instituut kuulub loodus- ja täppisteaduste […]
Cooperation with industry: Dr. Rait Kivi will work at Imavere demo plant for wood-based bio-materials as part of the collaboration between our laboratory and Graanul Biotech
Dr. Rait Kivi from ECB Wood Chemistry and Bioprocessing Laboratory has started a part-time job at Graanul Biotech OÜ wood […]
Prof. Mart Loog along with prof. Jaan Kers and architect Sille Pihlak discussed the future of wood biotech industry in Estonia and worldwide
Prof. Mart Loog, prof. Jaan Kers and architect Sille Pihlak discussed wood biotech industry perspectives and challenges on Vikerraadio station. […]
On the Arvamusfestival (opinion’s festival) prof. Mart Loog discussed the frontiers of Synthetic biology and wood biotech and how the high value compounds may be produced from wastes
Over 1 million tons of wood industry wastes are produced in Estonia annually. This wastes are convetionally burnt. However, the […]
Tartu TUIT igem team got the gold medal for developing industrial yeast cell which can be used also in wood industry
Industrial yeast cell developed by Tartu TUIT iGem team can be used also in wood industry. For this project Tartu […]
Bioengineering Master’s program at University of Tartu will provide the possibility to study wood chemistry and bioprocessing
Bioengineering Master’s program at The University of Tartu is happy to announce that alongside the main industrial bioprocesses, fermentation, design […]
University of Tartu and Graanul Invest to launch innovative doctoral project on chemical and biotechnological wood valorisation
The University of Tartu and Graanul Biotech, which belongs to the Graanul Invest Group, will join forces to create a […]
University of Tartu and Graanul Invest cooperate to develop wood valorisation technology
The Estonian Centre for Synthetic Biology initiated a strategic collaboration project between University of Tartu and Graanul Invest AS – […]
Combining Incongruous
Last weekend Science& Technology and Bioengineering program director Dr. Ilona Faustova shared her brightest ideas at TEDxLasnamae on how to combine incongruous, […]
S&T participated in the ETV+ TV show
We had an honor to present our project, team and achievements as well as share our everyday working environment on […]